The Outsiders
The Hill Arts
November 2024

Adapted by Christopher Sergel, from the Novel by S.E. Hinton
“The Outsiders is a searing story of real kids in real situations with real
consequences seen through the eyes of young Ponyboy. Territorial
battles between the have-it-made rich kids — the Socs — and Ponyboy’s
tough, underprivileged “greaser” family and friends are just a part of
life. But even in the midst of urban warfare, somehow Ponyboy can’t
forget a short poem that speaks to their fragile young lives.”

Ponyboy, Cherry, Marcia, & Johnny
Ponyboy & Cherry
Johnny, Ponyboy, Two-Bit, Cherry, Bob, & Randy
Johnny & Ponyboy
Darryl, Ponyboy, & Sodapop
Johnny, Bob, & Ponyboy
Jerry, Ponyboy, & Mrs. O'Briant
Nurse, Doctor, Darryl, & Sodapop
Ponyboy, Dallas, & Johnny

Cast & Production ●
Cast & Production ●
Ponyboy Curtis………………………...………………….……….Jamison Freeman
Johnny Cade……………………...………………………….………Michael Mitchell
Dallas WInston…………………………………………………...…………Justin Reid
Sodapop Curtis……………………...………………...…….Emma Hersey-Powers
Darryl Curtis………………,,,………………………………..………Camden Marble
Two-Bit Mathews…………………………………………..…………Michael Brown
Bob Sheldon/Doctor………………………………………………………..Jay Levine
Randy Anderson……………………………………………….…………Walter Alexis
Sandy………………………………...…………………………………….Alexa Pothier
Cherry Valance……………………………………………………….……Anna Power
Marcia…………………………...…………………………….…………..Olivia Brewer
Paul Holden……………………...………………………………………..Noam Albion
Jerry/Soc………………………………………………………..…………..Julia Scholz
Mrs. Syme/Mrs. O’Briant/Nurse………..……………………...…Daphne Cifelli
Director……………………………………………………………………...Julia Scholz
Stage Manager…………………………………………………………Bridgid Amato
Intimacy Coordination/Fight Choreography…...…....Emma Hersey-Powers
Lighting & Sound Design……………………………...…………………...Iain Odlin
Costume Coordination………………………...………………………..Emily Hayes
Photos…………………………………………………………………….…Emily Hayes